Waking or Re-Awaking Your Own Natural Creativity
Fairfield County Writer’s Group “play –shop”
“So, where do you get your ideas..?”
One of the key tools in writing is creativity. Whether you’re putting your own spin
on a familiar topic or telling a whole new story, creativity’s what makes your writing
interesting, readable and uniquely yours.
What do you do when you go to the well of creativity, and the well’s gone dry?
When you’re stuck, blocked or can’t come up with a new idea? What if you’ve
always had a problem thinking creatively?
This practical “play-shop” is a hands-on, experiential class on how creativity
works, and lots of easy ways to get in touch with your own creative spirit. You’ll
learn about:
The neurological side of creativity. How stimulating your brain can improve
How fear blocks creativity. How to face those fears and stomp them flat.
Building surroundings that support your creativity, as opposed to draining it.
Breaking free of mental ruts, and the tyranny of “the right answer.”
A toolbox full of techniques to help you get in touch with your natural 

How to develop a “creativity plan” that specifically meets your unique needs.
And a whole lot more…
This is not a “one size fits all” universe. For this reason, this class is packed full
of an assortment of ways to get creative, so you can find the ones that work best
for you. Come prepared to participate, learn something and have a good time while
you do it.
Catherine Kane has been thinking outside the box (and indeed outside the entire 
toy store) for over 50 years. She’s the author of 4 books to date, as well as 
magazine articles, songs, sonnets, and audience participation murder mysteries
(amongst other things.) When not writing, you’ll find her doing things such as
hand embroidery, interactive theatre, belly dancing, historical research, doing
psychic readings or teaching classes on an assortment of topics. To learn more
about Catherine, find her at: http://catherinekanewrites.wordpress.com/
To reserve your space for this workshop, contact Charles Muir