The Practical Empath-
Surviving and Thriving as a Psychic Empath
Catherine Kane
Are You a Psychic Empath?....
Do people say you’re too sensitive?
Do other people’s emotions overwhelm you?
Do you carry abdominal weight you can’t seem to lose?
You may be a psychic empath, tuned into emotional
energy which can empower or drain you. To use your
gift to help yourself and others, you need to learn
skills that give you control of your gift. This is the book
to help you do just that. Full of clear information and
useful techniques , The Practical Empath is written to
help empaths understand and get control of their
It’s also written for the people around them who want
to understand and support the psychics in their lives.
Learn about clearing and grounding out negative energy,energetic shields and other ways to control the energy you take in, and other ways to use your gift to
make your life and the lives of others better.
Are you a psychic empath? This book will help you find out, and put you in charge of your psychic gift…
"The Lands That Lie Between-
an Urban Fantasy with Morgan and Sam"
Catherine Kane
The day that Morgan lost her job, she knew that change
was coming. She broke her lease, threw everything that
she valued in life (including her cat, Sam) in her van,
kissed her adoptive parents and her little brother
good bye and started a cross-country trek.
She knew that change was coming. She expected that.
What she wasn’t expecting was elves, or magick walking
in the world around her, or the beauty and danger of
the Lands That Lie Between…
"Manifesting Something Better"
Catherine Kane
We are always manifesting- so why don't we manifest
something better?
The world is made of energy and our own energy
determines the things, people and experiences in our
lives. Better energy-better life. The trick is to know how
to use your energy to manifest the life you want.
This book is here to tell you how to do just that. It's
full of simple methods for improving your energy and
working with it to manifest the things you want in your
life. Easy, fun and practical.
Are you manifesting something better? This book will
show you how.
Catherine's latest book!
The Psychic Power of Your Dreams:
Practical Skills For Working With Your Dreams
For Insight, Information, Creativity And A Better Life
Catherine Kane
Your dreams are the doorway to your psychic self. We
are all psychic- and dreams are the way most of us
first get in touch with our intuition. Dreams bypass
blocks and judgment, and put us in contact with our
natural inner wisdom. It’s easy- and this book will
teach you how. You’ll learn:
• The types of dreams, (Which one are you having?)
How to remember your dreams,
A simple way to interpret your personal dreams,
How to dream to access your psychic ability,
• How to deal with problem dreams,
And much, much more.
Awaken your own psychic gifts through your dreams.
This book will show you how.